Monday, March 10, 2014

Day 10: Cute Little Kids

Before I start, I just want to say, "Slice of Life is one-third of the way through!"

Ok, so today was another blast from the past. Every Monday, I volunteer at the elementary school in my town to help with the kids at the Champions Aftercare program. I'm there for about two hours a week to entertain them and help them with homework, and I must say that they're absolutely adorable. Some will come up to you and ask in their tiny, innocent voices, "Um, excuse me? I don't get something on my homework. Can you help me?" *cue puppy dog eyes* Let me tell you first hand that it is almost impossible to resist them. Off you go, being pulled by the wrist by a small 3rd grader who is utterly confused by three-digit adding. Oh, those were the good ol' days right? Remember when one hour of homework combined was a lot? Remember when the only tests we had were spelling? Remember when the answers to reading comprehension questions were stated word for word in the text? Ah, those were the days. We were carefree, not stressing out over bio objectives or Python codes or the math test tomorrow or whatever. Life was so much easier...
That sounds so pessimistic, doesn't it? So onto a happier topic. The kids are actually absolutely adorable in every single way. They tell you about everything that happened in the day, and they get excited over everything. They're so fascinated. For example, when I was taking one girl to the gym for a game, I stopped by at one of my former teacher's room (for those of you who know and love her, since it's impossible not to love her, Ms. Palmer) and we had a chat. We were talking about what she had taught us when my class was there, specifically about John Locke and the Enlightenment. I must admit, I don't really remember learning all of that, so thank goodness we just learned about that. At any rate, Ms. Palmer was asking me about Locke's beliefs and influence and other details that I won't bore you with. After the little girl and I left, she was so interested in what I was talking about, she told me to tell her everything about it. The wonder on her face was so cute! Needless to say, I think I just started cultivating a new line of history nerds! #soproud
Dinner today was ramen noodles, which once again brought me back to when I was little. I've always loved noodles, ever since I was very, very small. You're probably imagining a diminutive Asian girl sitting at a table and slurping noodles. Something along the lines of this?
Yeah... Pretty accurate. In short, my entire afternoon and through dinner made me think about my childhood. There are so many things that I wish I did or took advantage of. Life was easy back then. However, on the brighter side, there are also plenty of things that I understand now. I've learned so much since my early years, and I'm confident that I'll learn more! But meanwhile...
The night ends now, with me writing yet another blog post. Until next time, this is Rachel Ma, and, in the words of Alton Brown, I bid you good eating.

Song I'm humming tonight: Rescue Me by Kerrie Roberts

1 comment:

  1. The little ones might be okay, but I'm guessing that the older ones are a pain. In 4th and 5th grades all the kids hate after care because there's nothing for them to do and they get yelled at for everything; at least, that's how I felt. Not to mention that tossing a Lego 2 feet up in the air and then catching it was a reprimand-able action at my school.
    At least you got to hang out with little kids again :D
