Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Day 25: Homemade Dumplings!

I'm quite sure that my mom labored long and hard today. When I returned from school, I found two huge pans of small round pouches, stuffed, pinched, and ready to be steamed/fried for consumption. These little pouches, of which there were likely around 80-100, were homemade dumplings. They were filled with pork, Chinese vegetables, mushrooms, and Chinese pickles. They may have been small, but the taste of these dumplings were anything but.
Consequently, tonight's dinner was very satisfying. I can't remember the last time I ate so many dumplings in one meal! The meat was tender and not overcooked, while the vegetables neutralized the meat flavor while not overpowering the entire filling. The mushrooms added texture, and the pickles brought on some savory flavors. The juice from the meat flowed into the dumpling, so when you bit into it, a flow came pouring out. Pair the dumplings with some soy sauce to cut through the richness of the dumpling, and it will make a simple but delicious meal to enjoy!

These dumplings look a lot like the ones I came home to! :D

 I can't exactly give away my mom's dumpling recipe because I don't know it, but I do know that she makes the filling and the dough for the skin from scratch. However, below, I've included a link to a recipe that would be just as tasty! Enjoy!

So the night ends now, with me writing yet another blog post. Until next time, this is Rachel Ma, and, in the words of Alton Brown, I bid you good eating.

Song I'm humming: Be Our Guest from Beauty and the Beast

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