Apparently my TSA project is due on Friday... I didn't know that... So, in the wise words of a High Tech senior, also my friend's celebrity crush, "Crunch time!" We put most of our project together today and within about 4 hours, which I found impressive. Yay us! :D
Our topic is Music Production, which involves the writing and recording of an original song. Now, I must admit that I didn't do that much in actually writing the song. Recording, yes. Writing, no. There was that one part that took us a while to rewrite because it didn't sound quite right, and that was "fun". Long story short, it involved a lot of rhyming (we thanked Rhymezone afterwards) and distractions from food. Anyway, in a mere four hours, we recorded an entire song, and started putting it all together. If all goes according to plan, it should sound really awesome! :)
The best part of recording was definitely the equipment. When I watch those "Behind the Scenes" shows on TV, I'm always marveled by all of the fancy mics and soundboards the producers have. Now, to able to use something like it was amazing! I felt so professional! ^.^
I'm seriously so excited to hear the finished product of the song. Even though I usually HATE hearing myself on recording, I'm hoping that autotune and other technical stuff will make my voice sound at least a little better than usual. The lyrics were so inspirational and metaphorical (Mrs. Gross, that should definitely be acknowledged, although if you're a grammar Nazi then maybe not...), and I found myself humming the melody all the way home. Overall, the day was a success!
So, the night ends now, with me writing yet another blog post. Until next time, this is Rachel Ma, and, in the words of Alton Brown, I bid you good eating.
Song I'm humming tonight: TSA Song! (Tentatively named "Today" by our TSA group!) <3
Auto tune is everyone's friend. I'd like to hear the song when it's 'ready for the public;' it sounds like an awesome idea for TSA.