Of course, it doesn't exactly help that tonight's homework involved lots of decimals, conversions, and other stuff that I a. don't really understand, and b. don't like one bit. For the record, I'm not really a math person. I'm okay at it, but I don't like it. In short, tonight was very, very long. Again, no fun. At this point, I just give up. I have other things to be doing (like writing this blog post! :D).
Sorry for the short post again tonight. I'm tired, slightly annoyed, and mostly, just tired. So night ends now, with me writing yet another blog post. Until next time, this is Rachel Ma, and, in the words of Alton Brown, I bid you good eating.
Song I'm humming tonight: Ever After (from "Into the Woods") (I should really get to learning my lines and stuff... I'll do that later. :P)
If you're referring to the IED 5.6 homework, I found that really hard too. It was so hard that I couldn't even finish it. Good thing that Mrs. G didn't check it. It left me really irritated too.