Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 11: If There's Anything We're Good At...

We're good at comfort food. For the record, the "we're" is referring to Asians. I don't mean to sound racist or anything, but Asian food is often so great for when you're at home sick or just wanting to curl up with a simple yet satisfying meal. I guess you could argue that I'm biased. But, hear me out. Honestly, who could resist a warm bowl of ramen and a good book or movie on a cold winter night? I know I couldn't. The food is not very heavy and creamy, so it won't sit in your stomach, making you feel guilty for eating unhealthily... What, am I the only one who feels like that?
Now, don't get me wrong. I love Western food, Italian, French, Spanish, or even a burger. I could go for any of those. In fact, my family tends to prefer going out to Western food as opposed to Western foods when we go out to dinner. My only point is that there is a difference between eating a bowl of rice versus a bowl of pasta. Asian food is lighter while still satisfying hunger.
I just thought of this point while smelling my mom's spicy Korean tofu soup downstairs, so I blame the food for this post. On that note, time for dinner! Comfort food! :D So the night (er, evening) ends now, with me writing yet another blog post. Until next time, this is Rachel Ma, and, in the words of Alton Brown, I bid you good eating.

Song I'm humming tonight: Judas by Lady Gaga

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