Friday, March 7, 2014

Day 7: Wave of Nostalgia

Wow. I don't know what it is, but for the last few days, I just don't feel like blogging about food. So, here's another post about life.
As some of you might know, tonight was the Biotech's District Dance/Social. Many of my friends from middle school went to BTHS, so it was a wonderful opportunity to catch up with everyone since high school. We talked about our new schools, crazy experiences, new friends, reminisced about past years, laughed at inside jokes, and ultimately, just had a great time. It brought back memories that made me realize how much of middle school I actually still remember. That got me thinking...
Will I remember this years from now? When I'm 80 years old and in my rocking chair, will I think back to this? Will I think back to middle school, high school, college, maybe even later? Who knows what life has in store waiting? Who knows what kind of experiences are just waiting to happen? Thinking back, I remember all of the jokes and fun we had then. I think about how much everything has changed since then, and how the people I know now were not necessarily the same people I knew then. As Taylor Swift says, "everything has changed". Okay, maybe not EVERYTHING, but you get the point. We're no longer as innocent and free-spirited as we once were.
I don't want to get too sentimental here, so I won't go on for much longer. I just wanted to say that right now, it can be tough, and there are going to be hardships. But in the end, they really aren't that bad. In the long run, they just might be little mistakes that you will laugh about. I know that there are lots of those times from middle school already, and I have a feeling that there will be plenty more in high school. And if anyone has problems and you just want to vent, I'm here for you all. It's natural and completely understandable. 
So the night ends now, with me writing yet another blog post. Until next time, this is Rachel Ma, and, in the words of Alton Brown, I bid you good eating.

Song I'm humming tonight: Opening I from Into the Woods 

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