Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day 13: Oh My God, It's Salted Cod!

In case you didn't realize, this post is, indeed, about salted cod! I know it might not sound very appealing, but trust me, it's a lot better than it seems. My mom made it for dinner tonight, and it was actually quite good. The fish is left in a salt water solution for a while, which sucks all of the moisture out.


Anyway, this makes the fish dry and flaky, when it is then cooked into a casserole/stew-like thing. That's probably not very descriptive... The mixture is hearty and warming, full of potatoes, capers, olives, and of course, fish. On a cold winter day like today (what happened to the past few days?!), I would definitely recommend giving it a try. It is comforting and satisfying, and it doesn't seem to be too unhealthy. (I'm not exactly sure on that one, but I don't feel guilty after eating it, so it can't be that bad.) 
Dinner ended with a nice, hour-long conversation with my parents. For a whole hour, we just sat at the table and talked. The conversation drifted from how our day was to the recent news of the day to deep personal lessons and back around again. I love those kind of conversations where you can just rant or talk about anything, and it can flow so naturally from one topic to the next. For the fun of it, I retrace my steps back to where we started, and I laugh at how far we've come since then. It's almost like Wikipedia jumping, going from page to page to page to see where you'll end up. I almost felt bad ending it, but then again, there was homework to be done! 
So the night ends now, with me writing yet another blog post. Until next time, this is Rachel Ma, and, in the words of Alton Brown, I bid you good eating.

Song I'm humming tonight: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri

By the way, if you were still interested, the answer to the science question was osmosis. ^.^

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